
SDCC2010 – Top 10 Costumes Day 3

When you have a Dark Phoenix costume at Comic-Con, you must put her in your top 10 list. Why? You don’t want a blast of cosmic energy, that’s why! I don’t think Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is worried, though.

10. Catwoman, Batgirl, Joker

Catwoman, Batgirl, Joker
Catwoman, Batgirl, Joker

A group of friends dressed up for Comic-Con. What could be better? Here’s we’ve got serious-looking Catwoman, a sprightly Batgirl, and a much-to-happy-but-not-in-the-usual-creepy-way Joker. I like that the Joker has his purple hat accessory from The Animated Series, but I have to geek out and say that the one from the series had a flat top. Yeah, you’re gonna get judged.

9. Dark Phoenix

Dark Phoenix
Dark Phoenix

Shiny Costumes Are Cool. That’s my motto.

8. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit


At one time this would’ve been the most obscure Comic-Con costume. After all, not many know that Mickey Mouse was not Walt Disney‘s first funny animal. An earlier cartoon series featured Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. People know a bit more about him now that Epic Mickey is slated for release in 2010. This costume is pretty funny.

7. {A Furry}


This character looks so familiar, but I’m afraid I don’t know who/what it is or from what series. That doesn’t take away our enjoyment of the craftsmanship, though. You know, it almost looks like a character from TOS the Animated Series. Like a furry Dr. McCoy. But I’m probably very wrong.

6. 21, 24, Dr. Mrs. The Monarch, Molatov


This group was very cool. First off, the guy that was Number 24 gave a perfect impersonation of his voice. Perfeck! Dr. Mrs. The Monarch’s costume is pretty accurate and the crown is just cute. The Molotov Coqtiz costume needs a bit of polish, I think; it’s a bit unfinished. I don’t think this group was together; the two guys were together, and the two girls were also together. Isn’t it great when Comic-Con brings people together?

5. Predator


Predator costumes are always great because they require so much detail. Look at this guy! He’s got the bones, the armor, the dreds, everything! Can you imagine the work that went into this bad boy? I felt like I was Adrien Brody the moment I saw this guy. It was that good. One bit of LOLness: look at his feet.

4. Cortana


So according to Bungie, the future will have sexy AI. I can dig it.

3. Vampirella


So according to 4e, sexy vampires come from space. I can dig it.

2. Smash Bros. Brawl Ensemble


I’m always amazed when people dress up as the cast of Super Smash Bros. I think the person dressed as Fox deserves the most applause. Too bad he won’t be able to hear you. Also, sorry to the people we prevented from walking when stopping this group for a photo.

1. {Junk Pile}

Junk Pile
Junk Pile

This is one of those costumes that just hits you. It’s a guy, covered in free Comic-Con swag. And he’s walking around giving thumbs up! OhEmGee!






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