100 Words of Horror

One Hundred-Word Halloween Horror Stories

During the month of October, I challenged myself to write a short horror story every day. To add to the difficulty, I limited myself to exactly 100 words each.

Interestingly, a story that is one hundred words long is called a Drabble. It was fun to confine myself to just such a format. Here is a sample of a horror story for the month of October:

Day 25

With horrors to shock the mind,
And to numb any soul,
It had struck in kind,
The Writhing Mass took its grisly toll.

Broken bodies and mangled flesh,
Choked all our streets again.
With a deep, and ruddy pain,
The Writhing Mass burbled afresh.

It had landed on our verdant shores long ago,
And it brought a savagery no one could ever know.
All the grave plots we would forgo.
The Writhing Mass did overflow.

A strong desire to persevere,
And a stubborn will to live,
All fell flat and dead,
At the feet of the Writhing Mass from Hell.

Horror Story #25

Read this and more horror stories at my writing blog.






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